Sherlock Holmes The Case of The Silver Earring l 1.4 GB

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson come to life as you lead the investigation and meet some of Conan Doyle's other famous characters. You will have the chance to visit 40 different locations
straight out of Victorian England, graphically reproduced and complete with original soundtrack.
You'll interrogate a number of witnesses through in-depth conversations and complete your
investigation by analyzing your discoveries and deducing the facts with the clues you uncover.

This game has everything you can wish for in a Sherlock Holmes mystery: the locations,

characters, mental challenges, Holmsian quirks, and a bang-up ending where ALL IS REVEALED.
Silver Earring is aimed at gamers who enjoy a good story, mystery buffs, and of course, Sherlock

Holmes fans.

- Assume the role of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson and meet all the heroes of the novels:

Inspector Lestrade, Wiggins, Mycroft and many others!
- Investigate 5 murders! Over 40 witnesses to question, 200 clues to uncover and over 25 hours

of gameplay to solve the mystery.
- Explore Victorian London, which is magnificently and faithfully reproduced in 3D.
- Between each level Sherlock Holmes sets you a quiz which will validate your progress in the

- The adventure is full of vivid cut scenes to heighten the dramatic aspect of the story.

Minimum System Requirements:
Supported OS: Windows98/Me/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium® III 600 MHz or higher and AMD Athlon
RAM: 256 MB
Video Card: 32 MB Microsoft DirectX9 compliant video card
DirectX Version: DirectX 9 or higher
Sound Card: DirectX9 compliant sound card
Hard Drive Space: 1500 MB free
Peripherals: Windows compatible keyboard and mouse

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